Kaikohe Speedway Results 2 February 2013
(Including Day 2 Round Hussey Saloons Trophy Challenge)
Rd 1: 1 Ray Jordan (97), 2 Roy Walker (61), 3 Ray Dare (888), Rd 2: 1 Keith Wilson (10), 2 Tony Cree (63), 3 Walker
Hussey Saloons Challenge Trophy Day 2 Taipa 64 pts, Kaikohe 45 pts
Ladies Production
Rds 1 & 2: 1 Didi Roycroft (8), 2 Melissa Timoti (38)
Rds 1 & 2: 1 Rose Sparrow (121)
Mens B Grade
Rd 1: 1 Aaron Johnston (32), 2 Mike James (48), 3 Rob Weal (82)
Rd 1: 1 Mike Sparrow (497)
Mens Production
Rd 1: 1 Rex Roycroft (8), 2 Anthony Dale (44)
Mens C Grade
Rd 1: 1 Daniel DeWaal (22)
In the final tally up of points over the two rounds at both Taipa and Kaikohe speedway tracks the individual drivers points were:
Taipa Team Roy Walker 42, Ray Dare 34, Terry Grigg 33, Shirley Andresen 22, Tony Cree 13, Kaikohe Team Ray Jordan 38, John Hussey 33, Keith Wilson 27, Nick Caldwell 9, Geordie Inglis 7.
Taipa Team emerged the victors with a tally of 144 points to Kaikohe Teams tally of 114 points.