Kaikohe Speedway Results – 2 February 2013

(Including Day 2 Round Hussey Saloons Trophy Challenge)


Saloons –

Rd 1: 1 Ray Jordan (97), 2 Roy Walker (61), 3 Ray Dare (888), Rd 2: 1 Keith Wilson (10), 2 Tony Cree (63), 3 Walker

Hussey Saloons Challenge Trophy Day 2 – Taipa 64 pts, Kaikohe 45 pts


Ladies Production –

Rds 1 & 2: 1 Didi Roycroft (8), 2 Melissa Timoti (38)


Minisprint –

Rds 1 & 2: 1 Rose Sparrow (121)


Mens B Grade –

Rd 1: 1 Aaron Johnston (32), 2 Mike James (48), 3 Rob Weal (82)


Modified –

Rd 1: 1 Mike Sparrow (497)


Mens Production –

Rd 1: 1 Rex Roycroft (8), 2 Anthony Dale (44)


Mens C Grade –

Rd 1: 1 Daniel DeWaal (22)


In the final tally up of points over the two rounds at both Taipa and Kaikohe speedway tracks the individual drivers’ points were:

Taipa Team – Roy Walker 42, Ray Dare 34, Terry Grigg 33, Shirley Andresen 22, Tony Cree 13, Kaikohe Team – Ray Jordan 38, John Hussey 33, Keith Wilson 27, Nick Caldwell 9, Geordie Inglis 7.

Taipa Team emerged the victors with a tally of 144 points to Kaikohe Team’s tally of 114 points.